News article
Polyamoury is In:
One Fifth of Singles Date Non-Monogamously
Monogamy has long been held as the standard relationship model. Polyamory, or the practice of having multiple partners ("open" relationships) was always a fringe or “alternative” cultural phenomenon. A recent wide-ranging study using data from sources such as carried out in April 2016, however, states that 21% of people date non-monogamously.
The study took information from the "Singles in America" study carried out by and published in The Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy. In their clarification, the authors stated that non-monogamy was "any relationship in which all partners agree that each may have romantic and/or sexual relationships with other partners."
Other data wasn’t made entirely clear, however an interesting point was that non-monogamy ended up being quite steady among most of the sexual identity groups. Of the one-in-five figure, the researches stated, "This proportion remained constant across age, education level, income, religion, region, political affiliation, and race, but varied with gender and sexual orientation." To be more specific, it was often men and LGBT individuals who were more likely to be non-monogamous than the female or straight population.
The whole Tinder hookup culture does indeed allow people to imagine a society where people are more into casual dating than anything else and who want to remain non-exclusive. However, many don’t see why one ought to suddenly turn exclusive just because a relationship has gotten serious. Most polyamorous couples tend to view a relationship as good as long as the boundaries have been set with mutual understanding and willingness, and that lines of communication are always kept open.
"These findings suggest that a sizable and diverse proportion of U.S. adults have experienced [consensual non-monogamy (CNM)]," the study notes, "highlighting the need to incorporate CNM into theoretical and empirical therapy and family science work."
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