News article
New Dating Service Tests Your DNA for the Right Match
If you've been looking for love in all the wrong places, maybe you should look a little bit deeper... like in your DNA. In the latest trend in online matchmaking, genetic testing companies are saying your best bet for true romance could be in a quick cheek swab.

Through genetic testing, some companies are saying you can be provided with a better biological match, which theoretically could mean someone you'll get along with better and possibly even create healthier children with.
According to Eric Holzle, founder of, one of the first sites to offer the service, the idea of genetic testing could revolutionize matchmaking. "How many dating services can you think of where they can suggest you might have better children?" he said.
Folks who sign up for the service get a packet in the mail which includes a cheek swab for skin cells. They then mail it back and within two weeks an analysis is completed, and the swabee can post pictures and profile information to the site. The test, like the one soon to be launched by Swiss company GenePartner, will run the lovelorn around $100.
Still, not everyone is taken with the idea. Dr. Rocio Moran, medical director of the General Genetics Clinic at the Cleveland Clinic, calls the idea "ridiculous."
"They are just trying to make a buck," she said. "That if it's genetic, it must be real science."
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