News article
What Women Do When They Want a Males Attention
Science says women do compete with one another when trying to gain a male’s attention, even if most deny the fact – though there is one particular way they do it.

Women utilize gossip to attract a male partner. It is a stimple, yet effective strategy to bad mouth a potential rival to minimize the amount of competition on their prize.
Both gossip, men and women yet there are small differences in the topics they will gossip about. Women tend to focus on each other’s looks, but men will mostly talk about their competitors athleticism or their wealth.
The journal Evolutionary Psychological Science published research providing the first certifiable evidence for a positive link between Intrasexual competitiveness, the amount of gossip that takes place among people, to what extent individuals take part in the gossip and whether it is accepted or not.
The lead author of said study stated, gossip is a highly evolved social skill and a competition tactic which is related to evolved preferences of both men and women. This makes Gossip a necessity for relationships between people, and may not necessarily be a character flaw.
290 Canadian students aged between the ages 17 and 30 were asked to complete 3 questionnaires, where each was meant to measure certain features. They each measured competitiveness between members of the same sex, with and without access to attention of potential mates. The frequency of gossip was measured and the value of gossiping behind someone’s back.
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