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Dating Habits in Britain and Europe
Around the world, dating habits can differ depending on which country you are in. In the United Kingdom, the dating habits of British people can differ considerably in comparison to their neighbours who are just across the water. According to a study carried out by, Europeans as a whole have vastly different dating habits.

Dating Habits on the Continent
In Scandinavian countries like Norway and Sweden, meeting while out for drinks or at a nightclub appears to be the norm. In Finland, displays of affection are looked down upon. Social equality, such as paying half the bill (or ‘going Dutch’) are dating habits shared by Denmark, the Netherlands and Sweden.
Old-fashioned manners are favoured by the Austrians and the Belgians. In Belgium, it is customary for men to rise when a woman enters the room. Manners are also highly valued here. Should you be offered a drink, do not refuse it. Always remember to finish your entire meal as well. Not doing so can seem very rude indeed. In Austria, a man will kiss a woman on the hand when he first meets her. This is not something that is done by foreign men, however. In such cases, a handshake is usually the best thing to do.
The French seem to enjoy a chase, and eye contact is always maintained if there is interest in another person. Courtship in Spain seems to go on forever, with both sides accepting and refusing until a date is finally secured. The Spanish are also incredibly serious when it comes to commitment, their divorce rate being only 18%. That is probably one good dating habit to keep!
Dating Habits in Britain and Ireland
In Britain, online dating has of course become a very popular way of meeting people. This is particularly true when it comes to dating sites like Plenty of Fish and Tinder. Brits also seem to enjoy getting intimate quite early on, though marriage doesn’t come until much later. In Britain, habit seems to suggest that living together first is a prerequisite for married life.
The Irish, just across the water, seem to have a similar view when it comes to dating habits. In fact, Ireland is a lot less formal than many other countries. A ‘date’ may simply involve meeting up with someone at the pub and taking it from there. This is something that is quite common in Britain as well.
Habits and Variety
From the study, it is clear to see that dating can be wildly different depending on where one lives. If you end up moving to another country or feel like impressing someone from there, it may be a good idea to get familiar with the dating habits that are expected.
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