


Reviewed for You
Dating Sites for Married People in the UK

The married dating market is growing rapidly in the UK, as is the number of dating sites which focus on attached or married men and women.

If you're looking for an extramarital relationship, we can present you with the most serious and trustworthy dating sites for married people. So why not have a look? There's not much to lose!

Updated : 01/2025

Dating for Married People

The best dating sites for married people in the UK Affairs

My No.1 for Casual Dating


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Relive the passion - Find your affair


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Life is short. Have an affair.


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The premier international dating website for married people


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5 Read Review


5 Read Review

Who wrote that?

Henning Wiechers
has been observing the UK dating market since 2007. He is among the top opinion leaders in the industry.

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Contact him!

What exactly is a dating site for married people?

Dating sites for married people on the internet are geared specifically to the needs of committed men and women who are seeking sexual variation. They mediate anonymous and discrete sex contacts without commitment for clandestine affairs.

If the affair is to remain a discreet pleasure, never go to bed with the neighbour!

However, on dating sites for married people, you will not only meet those bound to each other but also singles seeking a noncommittal sexual relationship with someone already in a relationship. Singles place great importance on their independence and make sure that the married adulterers are guaranteed not to tie them down for ever.

How do I find a good dating site for married people?

In the meantime, x portals advertise on the internet as being the perfect platform for adulterers or for a clandestine sex affair. Among them are also a number of “High-gloss sites” on which “willing adulterers” writhe about quite candidly on the homepage.

This is where your alarm bells should be ringing.

Hardly any of these sites offer the adulterer the most important basic standards for seeking an affair with a) the desired success and b) to be without risk following a clandestine affair.

Therefore, whoever is on the lookout for the best dating websites for married people, should keep this golden rule in the back of their mind:

The less you can see from the outside (skin, bosom, face), the better

We have picked out a handful of recommendable dating sites for married people for you from an endurance test of dozens of agencies!

Does it have to be a legitimate dating site for married people?

The clear answer: No.

A legitimate or classic dating site for married people is a provider that is unmistakably aimed at married men and women who want to cheat on their spouses. An example of a purely adulterous website is, as the name suggests, Victoria Milan. The concept is now considered rather outdated. In any case, as could be seen at Ashley Madison prior to the big data hacking incident, it did not prove itself in practice.

For a long time now reputable casual dating providers such as C-Date have created a safe and pleasant environment for adulterers. The following, therefore, applies:

“In addition, for adulterers, the best dating site for married people is only an option along with casual dating sites, erotic communities and classic sex contact offers.”

On these “expanded” dating sites for married people you can state in your profile that you are in a relationship and seeking an intimate sexual relationship outside marriage. The adultery is not predominantly in the foreground. Many married men and women prefer that and, therefore, also like to seek out an exciting, noncommittal relationship in erotic communities.

TEST: Is the married people dating site suitable for you?

Am I right for the married people dating sites on the web with my desire for an anonymous sexual relationship? You will find that out in our 30 second SELF-TEST fix. Just answer the following questions:

  1. Do you want to remain ANONYMOUS on the married people dating site?
    •That can only be carried out by the very best dating sites for married people.
    • If anonymity is not so important to you, other sex partner portals are worth considering.
  2. Do you want to meet REAL women?
    • The “hunt” online also requires skill, time and nerves, but will make you happy!
    • Too stressful? Then off to the brothel with you!
  3. Ready to invest some MONEY?
    • The standard of quality and a high female quota are now linked to costs at the dating sites for married people.
    • An alternative: Fight for a woman on cost-free erotic sites with 1.000 other men….

How does a dating site for married people operate?

Among the sites for sex dates that are aimed at adulterers, we differentiate, in principal, between two types – those with open and those with closed membership files.

With the first type there is a search function, through which you may look independently for suitable adultery partners (the contact ads principle).

With the second, suitable partner propositions will be made to you according to your desired sexual relationship specifications (the mediation principle).

The majority of dating sites for married people operate in accordance with the mediation principle. For men, that means that they will have a choice of attractive women proposed to them and may then choose. You will see the photos of your potential sex partner in complete clarity after she has shared the pictures with you.

Together with up-to-the-minute contact proposals, it will also be displayed on some dating sites for married people, who is online right now. You may contact these candidates for a clandestine affair directly!

As a man this is what you will be able to see at the top sites


  • a list with 18 current contact proposals
  • It contains the nickname, age and place of residence of your potential infidelity partner, their sexual preferences and information if the profile is new.
  • The majority of female profiles contain a photo that you will see clearly after individual sharing.
  • In addition, on the right-hand picture margin, it includes a second list with women who are currently online.

Victoria Milan:

  • In accordance with the stipulation of your personal search preferences (distance from your place of residence, woman’s age….) you will receive a list (unlimited) of suitable partners to have a bit on the side with.
  • The list contains nickname, age, profession, distance and the online/offline status of the woman.
  • To the right you will see a second list of potential adultery partners that have shown interest in your profile.
  • The photos are either clear or blurry according to the woman’s preference.

In general, are the women on dating sites for married people genuine?

YES! There are genuine women to have an affair with, but VERY FEW PROVIDERS. We have checked out these providers in terms of “Finding genuine women for an affair”.

As a man, you will have little opportunity for a real adulterous adventure:

……on high-class websites for quick sex and adulterous contacts

……on cost-free no-name sites

……on “old-fashioned” sites for adulterers

……on hacked two-timer sites (like Ashley Madison)

Recognising fake women on dating sites for married people:

  • Contact requests from fake women seeking an affair, often operate with poor translation programmes.
  • The style of the email requests often seems similar, with the same way of expression, similar wording and sentences.
  • You may receive two (identical) requests, one after the other, from the same person.

Hi, how are you; I got your message….if you are really interested in me and want to know more about me, write to me at my private email address – [email protected] . Thanks, Lucy

Recognising genuine women on dating sites for married people:

  • They will never make quick and active contact with, but will rather let you make the first move.
  • A genuine woman seeking an affair will never disclose her “private” email address immediately, only when she feels she has developed a basis of trust with you.
  • Her comments are straight to the point. No genuine woman is going to declare on a married people dating site that she desires a long-term, romantic relationship.

Men’s good and bad experiences on dating sites for married people:


Immediately after creating my profile I was contacted by a 22 year old woman, who seemed desperate to meet me. I am in my late forties and had specified women between 35 and 45 in my search preferences. What do I want with a 22 year old? Anyway, I wrote back suggesting it would be nice to meet up for a coffee, but there was no reply” (James, 48, London)

The shrewd man!

Of course, I make a lot of effort dealing with women’s contact requests for an affair, so that I come across well, but not to go like a bull at a gate. I don’t have the brass neck to write 100 emails, so I first take a look at the profiles of potential women to check everything out – name, motto, and, above all, what the woman wants. I then write to a few selected women. And my hit ratio speaks for itself” (Marcus, 42, Sheffield)

How to score genuine women for your illicit escapades

Tips for HIM:

  1. Just take a close look at first, then write to your chosen selections
  2. Whoever wants to score a genuine woman through a dating site for married people has to work flat out: The first message should be free of mistakes, short and to the point and, nevertheless, personal!
  3. Leave those ladies to the left who immediately make a dash towards you and want to get to know you, even if you still haven’t uploaded a picture to your profile. It’s better to look at the second row.
  4. Don’t be taken in by women who present themselves in an overtly sexual manner in their profiles.
  5. Sort out profiles that use comical nicknames (becky86 and emmaXbig) or have completely senseless motto texts.

How do women find the right partner for an illicit affair?

Women have the advantage on dating sites for married people: They are outnumbered by men and, therefore, extremely desired by them.

Men are still the hunters when it comes to engaging in illicit affairs. The majority of women receive so many requests that they cannot respond to each and every one of them. Clearly, the woman is able to cherry pick from the rich, extensive range on offer.

A hot adulteress better not have the following experiences with you…

Women’s negative experiences on dating sites for married people

Hello you horny little specimen, I’ll come to you right away, whenever you wish, and ….until you stop hearing and seeing. Do you want to see my…... I’ll send you some photos!

And, dear man, should your desired two-timing partner not rise to the bait, do not respond like this:

You dumb slut, why have you not answered? What exactly is it you’re looking for, you arrogant bitch, get lost, if you’re frightened of a man…..

(This testimonial was sent to us from a female member of C-Date – and all she really wanted was a discrete, amorous fling….)

Tips for HER:

  1. Suggestive photos – yes; too much bosom and naked skin – no
  2. Do not pack all your sexual fantasies into your adulteress profile otherwise you’ll come across like a sleazy professional.
  3. If you are interested in a man, don’t let him wait too long for your answer.
  4. Consider beforehand whether you only want married men as two-timing partners or perhaps also singles.
  5. Arrange your first pre-escapade meeting in a public place like a café or bar.

What can I expect from a good dating site for married people?

The first and most important requirement for anyone looking for a suitable dating site for married people is….

…that the affair stays secret!

In our assessment of the best dating sites for married people, the following four criteria are of uppermost importance:

Protection of personal data
With a reputable provider, your personal details will be well-protected and cannot be interfered with by some run-of-the-mill, random hacker!

Payment security
C-Date monthly membership fee £24.90……imagine the look on the face of your wife if that were to appear on the next statement below the electricity bill debit!

With a good dating site for married people, the payment transaction will be 100% incognito, so that your intimate affairs do not leave any trails of suspicion behind. You will see nothing on your statements alluding to a secret sex date. Payee and reference details are completely tedious and unsuspicious.

Protection from scammers and fakes
There are, of course, cost-free adulterers sites, though only in packages full of gold-digging, money-grabbing fakes on the make…..If your motto as an adulterer is “I’m going to cheat and not pay a penny”, then you have to accept the consequences!

The fee-based premium-memberships offered by dating sites for married people always have a “firewall” function for protection against fakes. On cost-free adulterers sites anyone can register without access barriers and that could be the Love Scammer, the Spammer or even, just by coincidence, your own wife….

Top discretion and anonymity
You want to peek at photos right away? Maybe you would be better off on a porn site….Anyone getting to know a married man or woman for an erotic encounter through a dating site for married people should only exchange mobile numbers and photos after several emails!

On a reputable website for discrete adulterers, your personal photos are also protected from outside interference. You can rest assured that your face will never appear in a Google image search….

The protection of personal photos is one of the most important indicators of a good dating site for married people. With a high-quality provider, the general rule is: You determine the level of anonymity yourself!

You, therefore, control who may see your photos. And, depending on provider, you decide whether a) you want to share them individually or b) make them visible to all members.

In general, how secure are dating sites for married people?

The monitoring of your uploaded photos and texts is already guarded by a central security aspect. You will need a bit more than that, though, for an entirely stress-free, extra-marital, sexual relationship. The few, truly recommendable websites that specialize in secret sex dates and affairs offer several interdependent features for maximum security whilst two-timing:

  • Extra functions such as a PANIC button (for example, Victoria Milan)
  • Private key for intimate content and photos of your partner in adultery
  • An advance filter for fake-protection, that, for example, identifies suspicious IP addresses.

Is there are a good cost-free dating site for married people?

Once again the clear answer is: No.

We have yet to find a reputable dating site for married people that is also in a position to offer its services entirely free. If you do happen to find one:

Get in touch with us!

We would say, as a tester: That just doesn’t exist. Why? The costs for such a service from a good website are set as follows:

  1. An extensive editing team who check profile texts and photos in order to filter out the oddballs, the jokers, the petty criminals and the fakes.
  2. A technical, fully differentiated platform that is tailored to extra-marital relationships and ensures the anonymity and discretion of its members on all levels.

At this point, an acquaintance of ours, Heinz Lauman, founder of C-Date, states his case and comes straight to the point about what a sophisticated website aimed mainly at female adulterers should offer:

….a secure environment to meet great men.

By the same token, this applies just as much to men, who want to meet great women to have affairs with.

If you have already decided, take a look at our “Know-How” guide:
The best ways to hush up an affair

How much do good, reputable dating sites for married people cost?

Are premium memberships for websites on which you can look discretely for a partner for an erotic relationship in a sophisticated environment worthwhile? We would say, with a view to security, quality and the choice of genuine women:


There is another reason why we consider costs (within manageable limits) to be reasonable for adultery purposes. You are, as a man, quite clearly at an advantage over the nonpaying competition, in the quest for an adulterous partner! Because:

It is only the small number of paying men that can actively communicate with and contact women.
Price-check can help you decide which provider is the most suitable for you.

Who is actually on dating sites for married people?

Traditionally, there are married men and women on a dating site for married people, although the marriage certificate is not a necessity. Many others are also seeking the opportunity for an affair:

  • Singles
  • People in long-term relationships
  • People in open relationships
  • Divorcees
  • People who don’t want to tie themselves down (“It’s complicated….”)

In the membership data of a dating site for married people, you might even come across a sex mad student seeking a long-term affair while studying, in other words a “sugar daddy”. The “sugar daddy” may, if he is generous, enjoy being married but also start an amorous escapade with her. Or there may be the neglected housewife, desperate to break out of the daily routine and rediscover her passion.

Why do singles go on dating sites for married people?

Married men and women, generally, have different reasons for registering than single people.

I want endless, thrilling sex, over and over again!

Alongside discretion and anonymity, sexual diversion occupies the number one spot when it comes to covert affairs. A typical statement from a member of an adultery website:

“After the affair, sex with my marriage partner was much better again”.
On the other hand, men and women who are not tied down, relish the uncomplicated and noncommittal nature of an affair without feeling or commitment.

“My bit-on-the-side partner is married and, because of that, a discreet lover. He was looking for a dangerous liaison, but he would never leave his wife and chain himself to me”.

That quote from a partner in crime about her secret sex friend gets to the heart of what differentiates adulterers and singles and what brings them together.

Together with the ravenous housewife and the married man with pent-up sexual needs, you will also come across quite ordinary people who are quite happy with their sex lives, but feel like slipping into a new role now and again….a frivolous lover or an uninhibited sex friend…

What exactly are members of dating sites for married people looking for?

In terms of duration and type of erotic encounters that people look for on a dating site for married people, there are no hard and fast stipulations. For the adulterer other things are more important:

My sex life before had completely cooled off. I now finally feel alive again.

These are the most frequently expressed desires from website members:

  • a tingling affair
  • a noncommittal amorous escapade
  • an exciting sexual friendship
  • a long-term extra-marital relationship

The following types of sex dates are less frequently sought by members:

  • One-night stands
  • Escort services
  • Erotic encounters with particular sexual preferences (fetish, BDSM…)

So, now you’re ready to have an affair!

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